The Forge and uHlanga Press invite you to the launch of Ilifa by Athambile Masola and of Unam Wena by Mthunzikazi A. Mbungwana.
In Ilifa, her first published collection of poetry, Athambile Masola gifts us with an isiXhosa that is written as it is spoken – as a language that is urban, alive, and is a reflection of our own unique time and place: a society in which freedom continues to be conditional.
In her anthology Unam Wena Mthunzikazi Mbungwana captures the giddy ramblings of a desirous heart, as she delves into the weighty histories of familial love and scandal, brandishing an isiXhosa that is both deeply literary and gloriously vital.
Friday 27 August 2021
Dr Athambile Masola is a lecturer in the Department of History at the University of Cape Town.
Mthunzikazi Mbungwana is a part-time lecturer in the Creative Writing Department at Rhodes University.
Free to attend